genre, short prose, short story, poetics, artistic discourse.Abstract
The article examines the poetics and peculiarities of the plot-compositional structure of Volodymyr Gzytskyi’s short stories in the context of the development of Ukrainian short prose of the 20th century, outlines the ideological and thematic originality of the writer’s short stories, examines the author’s stylistic searches in this genre, classifies the writer’s short stories, characterizes typological character groups, points to the autobiographical character of the short prose of Volodymyr Gzhitsky, the peculiarities of the artistic time and space of the author’s short stories are revealed as an important genre factor. Considerable attention is focused on revealing the concept of the author’s personality and its embodiment in the artistic work of the artist. The work explores the peculiarities of building receptive models of Volodymyr Gzhitskyi’s work, because most often the main objects of research are the literary text and the person of the author. It is pointed out that the characteristic genre peculiarity of Volodymyr Gżytskyi’s short prose of the early period is his transformed variety of the small epic form – short stories and stories, in which genre diffusion is observed. In Volodymyr Gżytskyi’s small genre paintings, insightful pictorial details, leitmotifs, nuances in the reproduction of the experiences and moods of the characters are observed. It is noted that in the artist’s work a significant place is given to the genre of a laconic, sketch-etude short story, built on emotional expression. The study demonstrates modern trends and approaches to the perception and analysis of Volodymyr Gzhitskyi’s work, because in the period of independence, new, uncommitted attempts to interpret the artist’s work appear. Thanks to liberation from the pressure of the ideological system, literary critics openly declare about the special stylistic manner of the writer, the approach of his work to the examples of European modern literature of the 20th century. The article attempts a detailed review of the strategies of perception of Volodymyr Gzhitskyi’s work by a professional reader. In scientific research, the regularities of the development of the modern novel through the dialectic of continuity and innovation have been traced; the connection of the artist’s prose with national traditions is indicated; the innovation of Volodymyr Gzhitskyi in the novel genre is outlined; the philosophical and cultural context of the development of Ukrainian literature in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, within which the work of Volodymyr Gzhitsky was born and formed; its role and place in the Ukrainian literary process of the 20th century is revealed.
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