



artistic world, borderline state, character, expression, Great Famine, psyche, social injustice, style, thanatocentrism.


The article delves into the functions of expressionistic formal and content components within the aesthetic and intentional systems of poems about the Great Famine in Ukraine. The theoretical background of the research posits that literary styles are strategies for amplifying artistry, inherently embedded in the artistic word as specific aspects of creative potential. Thus, the fundamental principle of the investigation is the differentiation between fully expressionistic works and texts that incorporate elements of expressionism. The analysis of the poetics in both cases employs a unified methodology, emphasizing the dichotomous nature of the poetic universe characterized by texture and structure. Firstly, the study concentrates on the ontological basis of the artistic world in these poems. It is established that the main drivers of the narrative are instinctive, subconsciously motivated impulses that arise under specific conditions. In the texts, the realities of the Holodomor serve as such conditions, polarizing society into treacherous ruling elites and impoverished ordinary people, exhausted by inadequate laws, political repressions, humiliations, constant state pressure, and the oppressive alienation of essential means of survival, primarily food, livestock, and property. This led to an artificially created famine of terrifying scale, where rational thinking proved powerless in finding ways to survive. Consequently, individual existence shifted to a plane of emphatic states, which are key components of expressionistic aesthetics. At the level of episodes and events in the works, this content driver manifests in intense, sometimes explosive actions and psychologically charged inner monologues of the characters. The heroes of the poems experience enormous pressure from socio-political conflicts and psychological drama. They are exhausted from hunger, brought to the brink of life and death, or even destroyed by the ruthless system. For artistic modeling of such situations, the authors appeal to the traditional spectrum of means of borderline poetics, tending towards an autological type of artistic imagery. Finally, the research outlines textual components that resonate with the expressionistic paradigm but belong to other literary movements. As a result, the study describes the functional field of expressionistic poetics in the lyric-epic texts about the Holodomor.


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