blog site, blogging, digitalization, linguistic and literary industry, personal blog, digital competences.Abstract
The training of future teachers in the linguistic and literary field of education requires the introduction of modern tools and new methodical systems aimed at the development of individual interests, professional and digital competences. Digitalization processes transform the social and economic structures of the modern world and actively shape the education of Ukraine and require systemic changes in the content, methods and organization of the learning process. Digital technologies are implemented in the organization of effective interaction between the teacher and students with the help of communication tools: personal blogs, websites, social networks, mobile applications, group chats, educational platforms, cloud technologies, etc. The analysis of the current state of the digitization process in the research of domestic and foreign scientists made it possible to find a theoretical and practical orientation of higher educational institutions to solve the current problems of equipping and introducing digital technologies into the educational process. The potential of blogs as a learning space for students of higher education is explored in the article. The use of blogs in dialogic English-language communication contributes to the acquisition of cultural knowledge, provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the culture of the countries whose language is studied. Blogs stimulate creativity, give an opportunity to experiment with language, improve the ability to express one’s thoughts and argue one’s own position, immerse oneself in authentic language, speech and literary material. Working with blog content involves the use of various tools, ranging from electronic word processing to computer graphics and the creation of short videos or animations, or the design of hypertexts. Educational platforms are integrated information systems mainly based on Internet technologies, which include administrative, didactic, communication tools for the implementation of online activities. The article presents the experience of using a blog platform for integrated education of philology students mastering the specialty of translator. The experience of using a blog platform for integrated education of philology students majoring in translation is considered in the article as an experiment.
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