music verbalization, verbal ideophones, simple vocalizations, complex vocalizations, onomatopoeia, semiotization, linguistic imitation, verbal expressivesAbstract
The article discusses one of the ways of verbalization of musical information, so-called verbal vocalizations. Based on the material of texts in Polish, Ukrainian, Croatian and Russian, simple and complex vocalizations were differentiated, created, in contrast to musical vocalizations, by ordinary listeners in order to express musical acoustic-emotional ideas. The authors of the article draw attention to the complexity of the problem. The need to study that part of the information that is part of the human perception of the world, which has not yet been conceptualized with the help of certain notions, that is, the so-called inconceivable content, has been identified. It is primarily about perceptual and emotional content. The phenomena that express such content have been defined as verbal expressives. They do not name notions concerning objects of thought, but express mental ideas about such objects and demonstrate them by means of imitation. Thus, three types of verbalization of cognitive information about music are distinguished: nominations (when it comes to naming concepts related to music with the help of words, phrasemes and phraseologisms), prediction (when people describe music through sentences and texts, evaluate it, and also talk about it or ponder their experience of music), and expression of musical impressions themselves with the help of emotional ideophones (in this case, emotional and acoustic representations). The article briefly discusses the nature of acoustic impressions as one of the objects of informational sensory experience, associated with the last object from the triad of musical activity (music – art, music – song, music – text), and also emphasizes the important role in the process of music perception of emotional states in the process of music perception, directly affecting the sphere of experience associated with the perception of beauty. The article presents several dozen instances of verbal expression, which are means of intentional sensory-emotional imitation of musical sequences and serve as a colloquial-aesthetic demonstration of acoustic-emotional images.
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