news, political news, digital media, online journalism, TSN, CNNAbstract
The article examines the basic principles of making electronic media news and deals with the comparative analysis of political news of two sites – the TV News Service (TSN) of the 1+1 TV channel which has a high rating in Ukraine and the CNN which has gained a world name in the news journalism. The aim of this study is to determine the peculiarities of creating political news content on TSN and CNN taking to consideration a form and a content of news, as well as compliance with professional ethics, to identify common and different in the work of Ukrainian and American online media journalists. The article gives a detailed analysis of the internet news specialties (such a news are easy to access and understand, available anywhere, include multimedia and links) as well as the content, forms and the main principles of news structure on the TSN and the CNN sites. The analysis proved that their common features are versatility, multimedia, hypertext, keeping obedience to the journalism ethical standards. But their priorities are different: the journalists from the TSN prefer efficiency, accuracy, sensationalism where as the CNN one always choose quality and trust. Ukrainian news are characterized by conciseness, attention to the opinions of experts, attempts to cover as wide a space as possible, American one are more analytical, comprehensive, give special attention to the actions and opinions of the first persons of the state. The political sympathies of the editors of both sites are not directly covered, but can be clearly seen in the selection of materials, their content and scope. The article is of great help to the further study of online media, in the teaching of courses "The Journalistic genres", "Introduction to Journalism" at the Faculty of Journalism.
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