
  • Nazarii SLOBODIAN



folklore and resistance, history of folklore, First and Second World Wars, folklore about Germany and the Germans


The article discusses the features of the collection of folklore material about the Germans and Germany by both Ukrainian folklorists and ordinary people during the First and Second World Wars. In particular, it was studied what methods of fixation were used by folklore collectors and what samples they paid their attention to. It is shown that very often in the extreme conditions of the war period, many folklore works were recorded and independently compiled by the participants of those events. A significant role in the creation and fixation of material about the Germans and Germany played prisoners of war who were in concentration camps and Ostarbeiters, who were forcibly relocated to work in Germany. The article also highlights how the military folklore of the Soviet period was screened out. Despite the fact that authentic works were ignored during this period, and the work of collectors was aimed at phenomena that are now called "folklorism", one can and should talk about what is happening in the context of the history of folklore.


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