Oles Ulianenko, anthropological character, corporality, violence, cruelty, pain correlateAbstract
In modern Ukrainian literature, in Oles Ulianenko’s works in particular, the literary analysis of the texts full of violence and cruelty has become very topical. Hence, taking one of the most complicated and controversial novels “Satan’s Dauphin” by Oles Ulianenko, the aim of the article is to suggest an effective and justified variant of methodology to interpret such seemingly “cruel” literary works. The corresponding methodology is based on and determined by the corporal correlate of pain. Owing to this approach, the analytics of Oles Ulianenko’s “Satan’s Dauphin” based on the corporal correlate of pain has allowed on the one hand to controvert both social-historical and mystical-religious interpretations, and on the other hand to represent an alternative and more credible version of the novel plot under study, where the characters’ behavior and actions are caused by their corporal ability to fell pain impulses, which in its turn prove not only emotional-esthetic persuasiveness of the images, which appear due to the writer’s artistic strategy, but also determine their anthropological rather than animal character.
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