Latin poetry, Ostroh Academy, synagogue, Talmudic High school, Jewish communityAbstract
The article deals with the analysis of «Roxolanііa» (1583) by Sebastian Klenovych. When the author descript the towns of Rus he ignore Ostrog – the great center of Ukrainian culture at that time. The Ostrog Academy was founded at1576 and had been operating for 7 years. The scientist V. Shevchuk suggests that the reason for this the absence Latin among the subjects. Modern research proves that Latin was studied at the academy. When the author descript the residents of Lviv hе wrote about the Jews negatively, he blamed them in impurity and usury. There is was a large Jewish community in Ostrog which was formed at the beginning of 16th century. The Great Synagogue and the Talmudic Higher School (Yeshibot) were operated here. Ostog was a main center of Judaism in Volyn. So personal dislike to Jewish nationality was the real reason why Klenovych named less important towns at that time but did not mention Ostrog.
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