
  • Наталія ПАСІЧНИК




didactic vocabulary, special text, compatibility, valence


The article analyzes the combination as a way of functioning of didactic vocabulary in special texts. the views of leading linguists are analyzed, parallels between compatibility and valence are drawn as markers of the functioning of professional vocabulary in the field of education. It is noted that in the educational process the text functions as the main unit of communication and, serving the sphere of organized learning, performs its inherent functions, namely information, developmental, transformational didactic. It is indicated that the lexical structure of a scientific text, which includes certain types of didactic texts, contains commonly used words, terms and words of general scientific communication. The peculiarity of the lexical composition of the didactic text is that didactic terms have the property to move to a group of words of common language and vice versa, which indicates the incompleteness of the didactic terminology, its openness to attract new terms. It is confirmed that the two-sided functioning of the didactic text (as a source and means of pedagogical communication) testifies to its universality, and thus creates conditions for the analysis of features of lexical units in didactic texts from different angles. It is concluded that compatibility as a marker of the functioning of special texts requires further research.


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