imagological discourse, «own», «other», «foreign», national images, national peculiarities, stylistic devicesAbstract
In this article prose of the Ukrainian writer M. Matios and Russian-Israeli author D. Rubina became the subject of special scientific exploration with the help of imagological discourse. M. Matios and D. Rubina interpret the relationship of «own» and «other» through their own vision, personal thought, worldview, creative mind and experience of knowing the world. Their prose is linked to important life themes, and prototypes of their characters are often real people. Unlike M. Matios, D. Rubina is constantly in different national cultural areas, experiencing the influence of multicultural environments and intercultural relations. Therefore, as a Russian-Israeli writer, she visualizes the idea of another people, different cultures, using national markers. Features of national character, including Jewish and Uzbek, which are related to its origin and place of birth, are traced in the analyzed works of the author. M. Matios' work is linked to the Ukrainian national component and is distinguished by its national identity and folklore. Comparison and analysis of the linguistic aspect of the writers' works showed that in order to express the speech of the characters, M. Matios uses dialectic words, folklore and artistic word combinations, and D. Rubin uses jargon, slangs, obscene vocabulary.
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