literary work, artistic interpretation, receptive aesthetics, ontological hermeneutics, philosophy of dialogue, literary criticismAbstract
The article deals with the ways of viewing artistic interpretation as an object of literary studies and describes the main vectors of substantiation of the methodological foundations of understanding this phenomenon in the context of modern humanitarian knowledge and, in particular, literary theory. The interconnections among ontological hermeneutics, the philosophy of dialogue and literary anthropology are defined as productive methodological frameworks in the study of artistic interpretation. The most promising methods of literary studies in terms of solving the afore-referenced problem include receptive aesthetics, which is genetically related to literary phenomenology, and the post-structuralist paradigm within which the concept of multiple interpretations and intermedial studies gain particular significance. The article defines the role of artistic interpretation in the structure of the existence of a literary work in the multiplicity of creation and reproduction processes (perception, understanding, interpretation). These processes, not subject to hundred-percent observation due to their numerousness and privacy, presuppose the dialogical interaction of many people who participate in a kind of cultural relay race, taking part in the preservation, renewal and reproduction of the reading and creative writing tradition. Each work of art in this coordinate system can be characterized as an artistic interpretation of the previous work, and the ideal reader is the author of an artistic interpretation, that is, a new work, which, in its turn, becomes the object of interpretation, encouraging other readers/authors to the existence/understanding in the space of interpretation and its intersubjective verification.
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