competence-based approach to teaching, communicative competence components, competence-based model of a textbook, content of teaching, content and structure of control and measurement material, textbook contentAbstract
The article presents a competence-based model of a textbook for training a foreign language, which is determined by the structure of foreign language communicative competence, which is the main purpose of language training of students. Competence-based approach to language learning, aimed at the development of basic subject competencies of the linguistic personality, involves the creation of internal motives that determine the readiness of the student to such educational and cognitive activities, which are based on competence; the formation of an understanding of the essence of language competence as a goal-result of language education; the development of subjective experience of the application of subject competencies during speech tasks in different educational and life social and communicative situations; the use of reflection, analysis of their own learning activities and its results. Competence – the ability to apply both verbal and non-verbal means of language in practice to solve communicative problems in different situations. Educational activity of students is aimed at improving their competencies, promotes intellectual, spiritual, moral and cultural development, the formation of the ability to respond to the needs of society. It is the formation of key skills and subject competencies that ensures their effective use in various industries. Modern textbooks for teaching foreign language should be aimed at the formation of four groups of competences: 1) linguistic, 2) sociocultural, 3) professional communication, and 4) linguodidactics. All groups are represented by a set of sub-competencies that are the object of purposeful formation when working with the textbook. Consideration of communicative competence and its components as the purpose of teaching foreign languages determines the unity of the three main elements of the educational process: the content of training, the content and structure of the control measuring materials and the content of the textbook.
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