


socio-cultural changes, literature for adolescents, traumatic experiences, fantasy, distopia


The article presents an analysis of the first two novels-distopias of fantastic cycle by Volodymyr Arenev. The necessity of narrativization of traumatic experience of generations in literature for teenagers is substantiated. It is proved that modern writers embody in their works of art the motives of losing cultural memory, focusing on their own moral and ethical, ideological values. The artistic dominants of the manifestation in the literature for adolescents of the signs of a polarized society of a totalitarian state, which influences the formation of personal maturation of adolescents, are highlighted. The intertextual connections of the stories by the modern Ukrainian writer are shown. The system of images of characters in the relationship with which the personal development of the main character takes place is characterized. Artistic projections of the cycle are to express the existential trauma of the protagonists in their dreams, behavior, moods, feelings and experiences. The genre of distopia allowed to express the contradictions of polarized society in allegorical, satirical forms, to show the terrible consequences of political and social confrontation in a totalitarian state for future generations. Sociocultural changes that increase social differentiation on various grounds are also factors that cause the confrontation of society. The result of these changes is a polarized society. The relationships of individuals in a polarized society are quite complex, which leaves an imprint on all areas of their coexistence, including on the concepts of culture, collective memory, narrativized in literature and other forms of art. The focus on teenage readers is due to the desire of modern writers to satisfy their needs in reading literary works that meet personal requests, cognitive and aesthetic interests, and contribute to the formation of a value system. The chronotope of both works of cycle “Cinnabar Season” by V. Arenev is the reality of a dystopian society polarized by hatred, in which the personality of the main character and her peers is formed.


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