


reporting, mass media, text, communicative parameters, terminology, football terms, linguistic means, Ukrainian language


The article states that the mass media represent and generalize the achievements of athletes, teams, and individual sports fields. Almost all possible genres belong to sports journalism, including reporting. The dominant communicative parameters of the football reporting were analyzed: meaningfulness, logic, correctness, accuracy, purity, diversity, expressiveness, which contribute to the quality of the text of the football reporting, ensure the persuasiveness of the material, and activate the attention of the addressee. The sports portal «Football» ( and website «Social. Sport» ( From the point of view of content, the representativeness of the headlines of football reports, the division of the material into content blocks is considered. The inseparable connection of content with factuality as a textual categorical unit is emphasized. Since logic is projected onto the structure of the text, the specifics of the main part of the reporting and its conclusion are covered in more detail. A list of typical violations of the correctness of the Ukrainian language (tautology, tracings, lack of alternation of prepositions, incorrect endings of nouns in various forms, lack of necessary punctuation marks, etc.) and purity of language (excess of foreignisms, in particular anglicisms) is given. Linguistic means that contribute to the observance of language accuracy (a system of football terms), language diversity (different language means to express the same content), language expressiveness (forms of degrees of comparison of qualitative adjectives, figurative means – epithet constructions; comparisons, determined terms with transformed semantics, exclamatory sentences, amplification, parcellation). It was concluded that the analysis of the sport portal «Football» and website «Social. Sport» certifies the appropriate level of materials of football reports that meet the standards of professional journalism.


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