


genre, short prose, modernism, novella, short story, poetics, artistic world, artistic discourse


The research examines the narrative structure of Volodymyr Gzytskyi’s short prose in the context of the development of Ukrainian prose of the 20th century, outlines the ideological, thematic and genre-stylistic peculiarities of the writer’s prose works, shows their structural features, characterizes typological character groups, points to the autobiographical nature of the author’s short prose, investigates the plot – the compositional skill of the artist, the features of the artistic time and space of the author’s short prose as an important genre factor are revealed. Considerable attention is focused on the characteristics of the genre variety of small epic forms of Volodymyr Gzhitskyi, the disclosure of the concept of the author’s personality and its embodiment in the artistic work of the artist. It has been proven that the synthesis of various gender-genre features causes the emergence of new genre varieties of short prose in the writer’s work. The work of Volodymyr Gzhitskyi is considered in the aspect of genre dynamics based on the identification of the tendencies of the lyricization of the statement, as well as the nature of its functioning in the writer’s short prose. It is pointed out that the characteristic genre peculiarity of Volodymyr Gzhitskyi’s prose of the early period is its transformed variety of small epic form - novella and short stories, in which the artist combined their genre features, filling the new genre model with insightful pictorial details, leitmotifs, nuances in the reproduction of the characters’ experiences and moods . It is noted that a significant place in the artist’s work is given to the genre of laconic, sketch-etude short story, built on emotional expression. At the same time, the story is lyricized, which is led by a homodiegetic narrator, sometimes a lyrical subject, a character-witness. That is why the plots of the writer’s prose works are characterized by a dynamic action, an unexpected resolution, and a complicated composition. The scientific article outlines V. Gzhitskyi’s innovation in the creation of small prose genres, characterizes the unity of the author’s style in the works of various genres, reveals his role and place in the Ukrainian general literary process.


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