


baroque, baroque prose, genre originality, interfaith dialogue, narrative, rhetorical figures, treatise, artistic specificity


The article characterizes the most important structural and functional features of Zacharias Kopystensky’s treatises “The Book of the One Faith” (1619–1621) and “Palinodia, or the Book of Defense” (1621) and identifies their problematic and thematic priorities. It is emphasized that their appearance was influenced by both the historical and political circumstances in Ukraine and the desire for emotionality, cultivation of the ability to influence the recipient’s feelings, which is characteristic of the Ukrainian Baroque era, which manifests itself in a paradoxical combination of the incongruous. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is formed by the works of domestic literary critics, cultural critics and historians, which allow us to evaluate the treatises of Zakharia Kopystensky in different contexts, – K. Borysenko, I. Isichenko, Y. Larin, O. Matushek, N. Poplavska, E. Pshenychnyi, R. Radyshevskyi, P. Stepenkina, L. Ushkalov, I. Franko, V. Tsyhanenko. The baroque textual techniques used in the treatises are highlighted, and their connection with apologetics is traced. It is proved that the treatise “The Book of the One Faith” covers issues of dogma, sacraments and rituals, as well as the social practice of members of the Christian church. Its central idea is the dispute over the primary dogmas. It is unique in terms of its genre specificity, as it combines a systematic presentation of Orthodox doctrine. The motif of unity of faith is fundamental to the entire treatise. It is found that the main content of the treatise “Palinodia, or the Book of Defense” is a refutation of the Catholic authors’ claims about the supreme power of the Pope over the Orthodox Church. Since the work is directed against the book “Defense of Church Unity” by Lev Krevza, the Uniate archimandrite of Vilna, Zacharias Kopystensky adhered to the principle of building this work when creating “Palinodia”, that is, it also consists of four sections, preceded by a traditional Preface for the time. It is stated that the treatises of Zacharias Kopystensky are structurally complex texts (with allusions, reminiscences), the multilayered nature of which requires reading all narratives.


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