syncretic conjunctions, comparison and correspondence, partitive-concessive, disjunctive-explanatory, disjunctive-concessive, works of Valeriy ShevchukAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of using syncretic conjunctions in a simple complicated sentence on the basis of works by V. Shevchuk. The specificity of functioning of connective means is studied by means of a file of examples compiled on the basis of the literary texts “Three Leaves Outside the Window”, “The House on the Mountain”, “In the Field of Humility”, “The Eye of the Abyss”, “The Ghost of a Dead House”. The study of the selected groups of subordinating conjunctions was carried out according to the qualification of K. G. Gorodenska. The analyzed types of syncretic connecting means include disjunctive-explanatory, disjunctive-concessive, partitive-concessive, conjunctions of comparison and correspondence. The specifics of the manifestation of formal grammatical relations and semantic and syntactic relations in a simple sentence by the conjunctions are determined. In the V. Shevchuk’s novels, the conjunctions of conjunction-subordination demonstrate different productivity of functioning: explanatory-equating conjunctions are more often used in simple complex sentences, while disjunctive-partitive and partitive-concessive conjunctions are used in complex ones. The conjunctions of comparison and correspondence are not recorded in the material under examination. Within the predicative part of composite sentences or a simple complex sentence explanatory-equating conjunctions emphasize the meaning of a simple verbal or compound nominal predicate. The typical case of using these conjunctions is to separate secondary members of a sentence, in particular, attribute (аpposition), аdverbial мodifier. Within the predicative part of a composite sentence, the conjunction most often connects homogeneous predicates. The active functioning of subordinate-coordinate conjunctions in a simple sentence is confirmed by examples from literary works. Out of the body of illustrative material, only 25 % of the conjunctions express syncretic semantic-syntactic relations. The most frequently used are the explanatory-equating ones тобто – 43%, чи – 11%, або – 13%, the disjunctive-concessive ones але – 13%, проте – 4,2%, the partitive-concessive ones чи…чи – 9,2%. Other conjunctions were not documented.
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