


operation manual text, scientific and technical text, translation, translation transformations, term


The article is devoted to the study and analysis of the peculiarities of the translation of scientific and technical texts. Scientific style is characterized by brevity, objectivity and informativeness. In order to carry out an adequate translation, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of this style. Translators may find it difficult to use special terms and terminological combinations. Therefore, the article considers linguistic and terminological aspects and highlights the difficulties that arise during translation. The relevance of the proposed study determines the rapid development of the scientific and technical sphere, which causes the appearance of new technical devices, as well as operation manual texts for them. It was found that the technical operation manual texts as a kind of professional texts are thematically, stylistically and semantically organized, logically structured and complete unity, characterized by the wide use of special terminological vocabulary and the complexity of the grammatical and syntactic structure. The article investigates the genre and stylistic features of the reproduction of scientific and technical texts using the example of the operation manual text for the Miele CVA 6401 coffee machine. The difference between foreign and domestic scientific and technical texts is in stylistic features at the level of syntax and vocabulary, which should be adapted during translation. For this, translation transformations are used. The article focuses on the need to take into account the speech context and choose appropriate equivalents to ensure maximum intelligibility and accuracy of the translation. The article is aimed at translation practitioners, researchers in the field of linguistics and specialists who are interested in improving the quality of translations of scientific and technical texts. With its systematic approach and practical recommendations, the article can serve as a valuable resource for those studying and applying translation strategies in this specific field.


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