



editor, editorial studies of translation, multiple translatorship, translation, translation practice, translation studies


The present article explores editorial studies of translation as an interdisciplinary field of translation studies that deals with the multifaceted process of preparing translated texts for publication, examining the roles of editors, translators, and other contributors in shaping a high-quality final product, as well as considering the influence of editorial decisions on the perception of translated texts, and the broader interaction of discourses and literatures in the realm of intercultural communication. Recognizing the significance of developing an interpretive mechanism for analyzing editorial practices in translation, which also includes compliance with professional standards, ethical considerations, and the integrity of the original work, the paper proposes a three-level model for the conceptual analysis of editorial practices in translation. At the micro-level, we propose conducting a functional-structural analysis that encompasses lexical, semantic, stylistic, and pragmatic aspects of the translated text. This level of analysis reveals how the text positions itself through specific examples of target language usage, showcasing linguistic trends or editorial practices. At the meso-level, attention is focused on the interpersonal dimension, specifically on the editorial assessment of the translator's attitude toward authorial intentions and the manner in which they are actualized and specified. The macro-level involves the analysis of the actualized discourse, encompassing examples of shifts, manipulations, and tendentious rewriting in the translation. Editorial studies of translation are particularly important for investigating the representation of Ukrainian literature internationally, notably in the English-speaking world. The history of Ukrainian-English translation reveals that editors, acting as curators of translation publications, conceptually structured the material and engaged actively with translators. They played a pivotal role in shaping the presentation of Ukrainian literature and integrating it into global literary narratives.


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