


publication, dictionary, term, terminography, Ukrainian language


The Ukrainian literary language dates back to ancient times by its origins and constitutes the cultural heritage of the nation, acts as an important factor in the unity of the national language space, and plays the role of a link that connects generations to each other. The intellectual property of humanity is collected and preserved by dictionaries, which, reflecting the lexical system of the language, at the same time record the advanced thought of the era and the level of development of the literary language, the traditions of its flourishing in the historical process. One of the determining conditions for qualitative acquirement of the fundamentals of any science is the mastering of special terminology. Nowadays, scientists emphasize the importance of term dictionaries, as without them neither the development of various fields of knowledge, nor modern international communication in various scientific fields is possible. The attempt to analyze the terminography in the projection to modern date was made in the manuscript. The experience of compiling of the bilingual field-based dictionaries of the XXI century was analyzed, and the principles of their construction were determined. The main attention was focused on the scientific value of the works that is driven by the needs of modern Ukrainian terminography. Dictionaries of legal terminology and comparative jurisprudence (“French-Ukrainian dictionary of legal terms”, “German-Ukrainian dictionary of legal terms”, “French-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-French legal dictionary”), economic terminology (“New large German-Ukrainian economic dictionary”, “Economic Dictionary (German-Ukrainian)”, “Interpretive English-Ukrainian Dictionary of Economic Terms with Elements of Theory and Issues”, “English-Ukrainian Dictionary of Modern Banking Terminology”, “English-Ukrainian Business Dictionary”, “Great Polish-Ukrainian, Ukrainian-Polish dictionary of modern business terminology”), technological terminology (“Ukrainian-English dictionary of terms of technological systems of repair production”, “English-Ukrainian dictionary of welding terminology”, “Nanotechnology. Ukrainian-English dictionary-handbook of conceptual concepts”), etc. were characterized. Ukrainian terminography is developing rapidly. A large number of multi-disciplinary terms glossaries are published every year, scientists improve the methodology of processing and fixing terms in lexicographic works, develop new fields of knowledge, hold annual international scientific conferences.


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