


linguocultural hyperconcepts and ethnospecific concepts, tourism, rest, trip, hospitality, nature, online magazines


The article deals with common linguocultural hyperconcepts and relevant nationally-specific concepts of Ukrainian, English and French tourist discours, which are included in their semantic field. This study was carried out using elements of descriptive and conceptual analyses, as well as taking into account the peculiarities of certain linguoculture and specific context, communicative situation and historical basis (prehistrory). The translation technique has been applied to illustrate the difference between the way of expression and that of perception in different linguocultures. The most frequently occurring hyperconcepts (“tourism”, “happiness”, “beauty”, “hospitality”, “nature”) embrace the following concepts: “tourism” – “trip”, “rest”, “consumption”, “quality of tourism”, “road”, “adventure”; “happiness” – “positive emotions”, “entertainment”, “benefit”; “beauty” – “tourist attractiveness”. The analysis of the selected corpus of examples showed the existance of a significant number of common concepts in the touristic discourse, but their functioning is modified by national realities. Thus, we distinguished the following concepts with the relevant thematic hyperconcepts refer to the national identity hyperconcepts: “Ukrainianness”, “Frenchness” or “Englishness”: “hospitality” – “accommodation”, “food”, “societу”, “national cuisine” (in particular, “gourmandism”, “wine”, “wine-making”); “culture” – “landmarks”, “historicity”; “nature” – “weather”, “forest”, “village”, “countryside” and other. In Ukrainian linguoculture prevail such concepts as “hospitality”, “culture”, “adventure”, “society”, “nature”, “road”. In French and English ones prevail “consumption”, “benefit”, “unicity”, “historicity”, “privacy”, “village”, “countryside”. In each culture there are ethnospecific lacuna expressing the particular features of a certain nation and they are usually rendered by means of transliteration (like names of dishes or landmarks). In such way, tourist online magazines are the source of significant amount of cultural background information of concepts and perform not only entertaining but also developing and cultural-educative function.


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