


inscription on clothing, antithesis, semantics, English language, Ukrainian language


The article is devoted to the study of the features of antithesis in English and Ukrainian inscriptions on clothing. Popular online stores and auction sites were chosen as the source of empirical material selection due to their publicity, accessibility and wide coverage of the target audience: young people who are representatives of the modern language community, and with the help of text prints reflect topical aspirations and moods. The empirical corpus of the study consists of 1328 English and 808 Ukrainian inscriptions on clothing, selected by the continuous sampling method, which are characterized by the use of figures and tropes. The article discusses the latest trends in the study of antithesis in linguistics. It is emphasized that in modern philology, antithesis is interpreted as one of the main tropes, which is based on the antonymy of concepts or images. It was found that with the help of clothing inscriptions, the ideas, aspirations and preferences of the owners of such garments are presented. The analysis of the semantics of opposites in textual prints allows us to identify relevant topics, categories and ideas that are figuratively reinterpreted, compared or contrasted by speakers of English and Ukrainian cultures. It was found that the frequency of using the antithesis is practically the same for inscriptions on clothing in English and Ukrainian. As a result of the study, two thematic groups were distinguished: Man and Phenomena and processes of reality, which differ in productivity in the studied language communities. Within the framework of each group, a number of antonym pairs are distinguished that are isomorphic for English and Ukrainian texts on clothing. It is noted that the study demonstrates the presence of oppositions that are typical only for wearers of clothing of a certain language community. The allomorphic features of the antithesis in the text prints allow us to make certain social generalizations.


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