


cognitive metaphor, symbol, floronym/phytonym, artistic translation


The article presents the analysis of the use of the botanical code as a literary element in the works of English and Ukrainian authors and the study of the peculiarities of expressing the poetic and symbolic characteristics of the botanical code in translation. The botanical code is a special linguistic, cultural and symbolic system that is used in works of fiction to express a special poetic thinking. Given the complexity of the topic, the study requires an integrated approach that uses theories and methods of literary criticism, stylistics, narratology, and translation studies. Metaphors and figurative language are not just a textual design for the more eloquent expression of the content, but deeply reflect the internal organization of artistic discourse, in particular, while actualizing of conceptual metaphors as special cognitive structures. In general, the application of the theory of cognitive metaphor allows us to recreate two stable metaphors related to botany: HUMAN BEING is A FLOWER; THE WORLD OF HUMANS is A GARDEN. The paper analyzes the symbolism of the English garden as such, as well as a number of individual floronyms – roses, lilies, wisteria, aconite, etc. A comparative analysis of the interpretations of several flowers in the Ukrainian and English cultural and literary context is carried out. The history of the development of florography is mentioned. Examples of successful and unsuccessful attempts to translate botanical names, including the transposition of botanical cultural codes in translations of literary works, are given, because the translator faces quite a challenge – to carry out a literary analysis of the botanical symbol in the original and to find a counterpart that will preserve not only the pragmatics of the text, but also its aesthetic characteristics without disturbing the natural logic of the surrounding world. We come to the conclusion that a symbol in fiction is not only a linguistic, but also an extralinguistic phenomenon, and its interpretation requires deep knowledge of the cultural context, social psychology, mythology, and history of a certain people.


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