wireless headset, decorative and applied arts, augmented reality, immersive technologies, inclusive educational environment, culture, art, mobile learning, the latest learning technologies, visual artsAbstract
In the article, the authors highlight the issue of access to art during the pandemic through mobile learning, the use of immersive technologies, augmented reality tools, in particular wireless headsets. The article includes research materials on the scientific and methodological foundations of mobile learning in the training of specialists in the field of culture and art, reveals the problem from the practical side of training students of creative specialties. The issue of the influence of the latest technologies, in particular immersive technologies, on the quality of education of students of the specialty 023 «Fine art, decorative art, restoration», on the optimization of the process of training highly professional competitive graduates in the labor market is analyzed. It is emphasized that an important place in art is occupied by decorative and applied art, which is related to the production of objects that have both external appeal and practical purpose. It is noted that the main role in the implementation of mobile learning is played by modern information technologies, where the main principles of mobile learning are interactive interaction in the work process, giving students the opportunity to independently master the studied material. An example of the participation of staff and students of the department in the International project Accelerate: Accessible Immersive Learning for Art and Design (Great Britain) is also given, which contributed to the education of students by means of immersive technologies.The results of the case study «Using graphic functions in 3D modeling of clothes and fashion accessories» were summarized, during which three virtual rooms were created for visitors, who will be able to immerse themselves in the world of decorative and applied arts, the world of beauty and harmony. It is summarized that the use of immersive technologies in the educational process of the department contributes to the accessibility of art education for all groups of students, regardless of social, financial, psychological, physical, geopolitical factors. A number of priority directions for further work of the department of decorative and applied and fine arts in the direction of using immersion technologies in working with students during classes in professional art disciplines have been determined.
Інклюзія в мистецькій освіті: виклики, практики, перспективи : зб. матеріалів Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (з міжнарод. участю), 6–7 грудня 2019 р. / за заг. ред. М.М. Бриль. Киї в : ДНМЦЗКМО, 2019. 420 с.
Big Issues in Mobile Learning : Report of a workshop by the Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence Mobile Learning Initiative / Edited by Mike Sharples. – Nottingham : Learning Sciences Research Institute, 2007. 40 p.
Наказ Міністерства освіти та науки України № 635 від 29 травня 2013 р. «Щодо затвердження Примірного положення про академічну мобільність студентів вищих навчальних закладів України». URL: