media education, media literacy, media text, interdisciplinary connections, literature lesson, school textbook, student, readerAbstract
The article characterizes the key role of media literacy formation of modern youth in the educational environment. A number of scientific studies on the theory and practice of media education by Ukrainian and foreign scientists were analyzed. Based on this, the content of the concept of "media literacy" is revealed. Attention is focused on the lessons of Ukrainian literature, namely on the opportunities that appear with high-quality training and cooperation between the teacher and the student. The use of interdisciplinary connections in the educational process is defined as an effective way of forming schoolchildren's media literacy. The important place of the textbook in the lesson as the main source of information and one of the means of realizing interdisciplinary connections is emphasized. The educational and methodological support for Ukrainian literature for the 6th grade of the New Ukrainian School was studied and the presence of recommendations for the use of interdisciplinary connections was demonstrated, in particular in model curricula (authors’ collectives of M. Chumarnaya, N. Pastushenko and T. Yatsenko, V. Pakharenko, O. Slyzhuk) and the presence of a corresponding system of media texts, exercises, and illustrative materials in the school textbook "Ukrainian literature for the 6th grade" (by O. Kalynich, S. Dyachok, edited by Yu. Kovbasenko). Based on this, the most common academic disciplines with which parallels can be drawn when studying Ukrainian literature are distinguished, namely: Ukrainian language, foreign literature, all types of art, natural science, basics of health, geography, labor training, history, mathematics and informatics, religious studies , psychology, etc. It is noted that the authors O. Kalynych and S. Dyachok aim to promote the development of systemic thinking, creative imagination, the ability to distinguish and generalize, critical thinking, deep world perception and the formation of one's own picture of the world. It has been proven that the analyzed textbook is an effective tool in the process of forming sixth graders' media literacy in the implementation of intersubject connections that ensure the deepening of the learned, generalization and systematization of material from all subjects by students.
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