


secondary school, computer technology, information technology methods, music lesson, student


The current state of computer technology use in art classes in secondary schools is changing and continues to develop. Computers, software, and the Internet have significant potential to improve the learning process and empower students. Professional training of future music teachers for the use of computer technologies in secondary schools is an important task, as modern technologies provide many new opportunities for learning and creativity in music education. The main stage in the research is the determination of significant problems that arise during the implementation of computer technologies in art classes. The research is aimed at identifying the reasons that can limit or promote the successful use of these technologies in the educational process. The problem posed at the center of scientific research is determined by an attempt to analyze in detail the role of computer technologies in art education, to reveal and emphasize their positive influence on the educational process, on the development of creativity and artistic literacy of students. Scientific research consists in studying the impact of the use of computer technologies on the development of creativity and artistic self-expression of students, on the introduction of new innovative forms and methods of information technologies. The study emphasizes the important role and importance of computer technologies in the development of music education in secondary schools. The use of these technologies ensures not only an increase in the effectiveness of the educational process, but also stimulates the creative potential of each student. The effectiveness of the use of computer technologies depends on each specific teacher, his approach and the resources that are available in the school. The specifics of the educational process may vary depending on the region and the general level of technological development.


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