


stages of the lesson, application of game technologies, game technologies, game classifications, development of competencies, functions of game technologies


Today, it is impossible to imagine organizing the educational process without using modern technologies that turn language learning into a creative and exciting process. And one of the priorities of education reform is to foster a creative personality with associative and critical thinking. Implementation of a creative approach to teaching the native language is impossible without the development and implementation of appropriate technologies. This can be achieved by creating an interactive environment. The experience confirms that traditional forms of teaching do not always arouse interest in learning and, therefore, do not produce effective results. The use of game technology in Ukrainian language and literature lessons adds variety to the learning process, strengthens the acquired knowledge, develops communicative competence, creative inclinations of students, increases interest in learning, and reduces psychological stress. The article is devoted to this issue. It is noted that the State Standard of Basic and Complete Secondary Education defines the importance of personal orientation of education, which provides for the provision of appropriate conditions for the comprehensive development of each student, taking into account his or her individual characteristics, cognitive needs, interests, aspirations, and encouraging independence in learning, self-knowledge and self-development. To achieve this, the educational process should be structured as closely as possible to the needs and capabilities of a growing personality. A kind of effective means of motivating students to learn, to communicate, to self-realize, to enjoy learning is a learning game. The article examines the history of game technology and presents aspects of its research. It is noted that the use of game technology in teaching humanities to students of general secondary education institutions is of particular importance, since the game is a well-known, familiar and favorite form of activity for a person of any age; it overcomes difficulties and psychological barriers more easily; it is motivational in nature: it makes it possible to develop several competencies at the same time; it produces mainly collective, group or pair forms of work; it has a final result. It is emphasized that there are many classifications of games in linguodidactics. If we consider the game from the point of view of target orientations, then it can be divided into didactic, educational, developing, socialized. According to the nature of the pedagogical process, there are educational, training, controlling, generalizing; cognitive, educational, developing; reproductive, productive, creative orientation. According to the content of the Ukrainian language lesson, games are divided into games on phonetics, lexicology, morphology, syntax, spelling, punctuation, and development of coherent speech. It is noted that game technologies can be used at every stage of the lesson, depending on the purpose of learning, to update basic knowledge and skills; to learn new material; to test knowledge; to consolidate and to summarize the material learned; to control the acquired knowledge. It is noted that, depending on how long the game lasts, the following stages can be distinguished: preparatory (where students get acquainted with the rules of the game, are divided into teams, and receive task packages); main (where tasks are performed); final (where results are analyzed and evaluated, mistakes are corrected, and winners are determined). The article provides vivid examples of the use of game technologies that have been tested in 5–9 grades of general secondary education institutions.


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