english language, teaching methodology, mechanical specialties, pedagogical technologies, motivation, competenciesAbstract
The article is a study of the problems and prospects of teaching a foreign language (English) in mechanical specialties. The following teaching problems have been identified: motivating students to master the English language; mastering specialized vocabulary and terminology; and developing communicative, intercultural, and sociolinguistic competencies among students. In the context of foreign language learning for students, educators face challenges related to motivation, learning specialized vocabulary and terminology, and cultivating communicative, intercultural, and sociolinguistic competencies. Addressing these issues requires the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies aimed at enhancing students' professional competencies. The analysis conducted indicates that addressing these problems is possible through the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies geared towards increasing student motivation, developing professional terminology, and fostering communicative skills. Specifically, the use of interactive methodologies, innovative approaches, and other active teaching methods can bring about positive changes in the process of foreign language learning in mechanical specialties. The research underscores the importance of integrating a foreign language into the educational process in technical specialties, contributing to the preparation of future professionals for successful competition in the international labor market. Considering these aspects is essential in the context of improving the quality of technical education and the preparation of professionals who possess not only technical but also language skills. The article outlines ways to address these issues and the prospects for implementing modern pedagogical technologies aimed at the professional development of future specialists. Additionally, the article emphasizes the prospects of using innovative teaching methodologies for English language instruction in mechanical specialties, particularly the application of interactive technologies and approaches aimed at developing linguistic and professional competencies.
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