


method of formation of students’ cognitive activity, junior school age, pedagogical methods, cognitive activity, indicators of the formation of cognitive activity, music lesson, ways of forming students’ cognitive activity


The article is devoted to one of the urgent problems of modern music pedagogy – the formation of cognitive activity. Its purpose is to theoretically substantiate the method of forming the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren in music lessons, in particular, to highlight the essence of the concept of “cognitive activity”, to determine the indicators of its formation, to single out its most effective methods and to solve the ways of solving this problem. Based on the review of scholarly materials, an encompassing understanding of “cognitive activity” has been developed. This concept is seen as a superior characteristic and a key factor in the growth and self-enhancement of a person who can demonstrate inventive problem-solving during educational music activities. The article emphasizes the great potential of music education, which is one of the important factors of globalization processes characteristic of modern dynamic society. Emphasis is placed on the importance of developing and implementing innovative methods of active learning aimed at creative development and formation of an educated, multifaceted and competent personality. After analyzing scientific texts, a method to foster cognitive activity in schoolchildren has been justified. This involved identifying markers of its development, which demonstrate the evolution of knowledge from mere replication of acquired information to creative application. It also includes integrating diverse attributes of knowledge quality, along with both theoretical and practical endeavors. It is also noted that the method of forming the cognitive activity of primary school students consists in identifying the most effective methods and ways of its organization, which contribute to children’s interest in musical art, in particular, encouraging students to independently search for information and develop their intellectual activity. The approach to developing cognitive activity in younger students, beyond employing musical and didactic games, includes executing various unconventional tasks in music lessons and organizing unique lesson formats. This strategy diversifies the educational process, fosters independent information-seeking among students, and cultivates a goal-oriented mindset for tackling different types of challenges.


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