Requirements for drafting articles

Articles with scientific and practical value are accepted for publication. The author has the right to present only one, previously unpublished, scientific article in one issue. The author is responsible for the originality of the text of the article, the accuracy of the given facts, quotations, statistical data, proper names, geographical names and other information, as well as for the fact that the materials do not contain data that are not subject to open publication. The final decision on the publication of the article, based on its preliminary anonymous review, is made by the editorial board. 


  • articles in Ukrainian, English, Polish, and German languages are accepted for publication;
  • electronic version of the article in the format *.doc*.docx або *.rtf, prepared in a text editor Microsoft Word; format А4, line spacing – 1,5;
  • type Times New Roman, size 14; if other fonts are used, the author sends them together with the article.
  • margins: left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm, top, bottom – 2 cm.

The following options are used for stylistic selection of text fragments: italic, semi-bold, semi-bold italic while preserving the typeface, font size and paragraph spacing.

A necessary condition is the distinction between a hyphen (-) as an intra-word graphic sign and a dash (–) as a punctuation mark.

The most common abbreviations used in the article (art., eg, etc.) should be uniform throughout the text.


line 1 – the UDC index is on the left, before the title of the publication;

line 2 – centered article title (center alignment, bold, capital letters);

line 3line 4 – surname and name of the author of the article; academic degree, academic title, position with indication of the department (center alignment);

line 5 – place of work (education), address of work (education), ORCID code, e-mail address of the author (center alignment).

If the author does not have an ORCID code, it can be obtained from the link

paragraph 1 extended abstract (1800 characters without spaces) and keywords (minimum 5 words, in alphabetical order) written in the same language as the entire article;

paragraph 2 – title of the article (centered title of the article (centered alignment, bold font, capital letters), surname, name of the author, scientific degree, academic title, position with indication of the department, place of work (education), address of work (education), orcid code, author's e-mail address, extended abstract (1800 characters without spaces) and keywords (minimum 5 words) written in English. Translation must be authentic (not typewritten) in English.

If the article is submitted in a language other than Ukrainian, the title of the article must be submitted after the abstract in the language of the article (centered title of the article (aligned to the center, semi-bold font 12 Times New Roman, capital letters), surname, initials of the author, academic degree, academic title, position with an indication of the department, place of work (education), address of work (education), ORCID code, e-mail address of the author, extended annotation (1800 characters without spaces) and keywords ( minimum 5 words), written in Ukrainian.


Statement of the problem (statement of the problem in its general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of the latest research and publications, where to indicate the initiation of the solution of this problem and on which the author relies, as well as necessarily highlighting the previously unsolved parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted).

The purpose of the article (expresses the main idea of the publication, which is significantly different from modern ideas about the problem, complements or deepens already known approaches; attention is drawn to the introduction of new facts, conclusions, recommendations, regularities or clarification of previously known, but insufficiently studied, into the scientific circulation).

Presentation of the main material of the study with justification of the obtained scientific results.

Conclusions and prospects for further developments in this direction.

List of literature are placed after the article in order of citation; printed with 1.5 spacing, 14 size, Times New Roman font and issued in accordance with the requirements of the interstate standard DSTU 8302:2015.

References to the literature in the text should be given in square brackets, for example, [2, p. 25; 5, p. 33], where the first number indicates the serial number of the source in the bibliography, and the second - the corresponding page in this source; one source (without pages) is separated from another by a semicolon [3; 4; 6; 8; 12; 15].

At the end of the article, a transliterated and translated English version of the literature (References) is placed, designed in accordance with the requirements of APA (American Psychological Association).

*It is recommended that article titles be transliterated automatically on the site

If there is use in the article of abbreviations of sources of illustrative material, a list of such abbreviations under the name List of conventional abbreviations of used sources is provided after References.