
  • Oleksandr VOLOSHCHUK Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University




Ternopil region, agriculture, poverty, investment deficit, labor migration.


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to analyze the socio-economic situation of the rural population of the Ternopil region in the period of the late 1980s – early 1990s, to determine the main reasons and factors that contributed to the growth of poverty in the region. To investigate the impact of the agrarian crisis, the decline of collective farms and the initial stages of market reforms on the well-being of rural residents, as well as to trace changes in the social structure and standard of living of villagers during the specified period. Research methodology. The author used an interdisciplinary approach combining historical, economic and sociological methods of analysis. The main methods of research are the following: historical and genetic - to study the evolution of socio-economic processes in the rural areas of Ternopil region against the background of social changes in the USSR and Ukraine in the late 1980s - early 1990s; comparative analysis – to compare the economic indicators of different regions of Ukraine and determine the specifics of the development of rural areas of Ternopil region; statistical analysis for the purpose of processing and interpreting data on the level of income, employment and living conditions of the rural population; sociological – to study the opinions and attitudes of villagers through surveys, interviews and analysis of written testimonies of eyewitnesses of the events of that time; documentary – for the analysis of documentary materials, local decisions and the press, which reflect the state policy on rural areas and its consequences. Scientific novelty. An attempt was made to comprehensively analyze the socio-economic situation of the rural population of the Ternopil region in the late 1980s and early 1990s, which made it possible to reveal more deeply the peculiarities of regional poverty processes in the conditions of the transition from a planned economy to a market economy. The specific factors of poverty of the rural population of Ternopil Oblast have been determined, such as: decline of collective agriculture, lack of state support in the transition period. The documents of local authorities and statistical data were brought into scientific use, which made it possible to comprehensively and systematically analyze the declared problems. The impact of the agrarian crisis on the standard of living of the rural population was assessed, as well as the analysis of the specific consequences of economic reforms for the peasants in the conditions of worsening economic instability. Conclusions. The increase in poverty of the rural population of the Ternopil region in the late 1980s and early 1990s is caused by a combination of socio-economic and political factors. The main reasons for this phenomenon were the collapse of the collective economic system, the lack of investment in agriculture, and insufficient support from the state during the transition to a market economy. The agrarian crisis catalyzed economic decline in rural areas, which contributed to a significant reduction in employment in the agricultural sector. Collective farms could not provide a sufficient level of income for the peasants. Insufficient state support in the conditions of transformational processes intensified crisis phenomena in rural areas. Programs for reforming the agrarian sector did not take into account regional characteristics and the needs of the rural population, which contributed to social decline and increased economic inequality between the city and the countryside. 


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