Ternopil Institute for Teacher Qualification Improvement, Ternopil Region, methodologists, personnel, ideology.Abstract
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of the Ternopil Institute for the Improvement of Teacher Qualifications on the development and improvement of the education system in the Ternopil region during 1967–1969. To investigate its influence on the professional development of teaching staff, the implementation of teaching methods and the organization of the educational process. Determine the role in increasing the professional competence of teachers and the impact on the quality of education in the region. Research methodology. The article uses historical-pedagogical, systematic and comparative methods. In particular, the historical-pedagogical method helps to consider the main stages of activity of the Ternopil Institute for the Improvement of Teacher Qualifications (hereinafter – TIUKV) during 1967–1969, to identify key aspects of its work during this period, as well as to follow changes in the educational processes of the region. The system method allows analyzing its activity as an integral component of the Soviet education system, which influenced its functioning in the region. The comparative method was used to evaluate the results of the TIUKV, comparing the level of qualifications of teachers and the effectiveness of the educational process before and after the training courses. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the identification and systematization of the influence of TIUKV on the educational process in the region during 1967–1969. A comprehensive analysis of the activity of the educational structure from the standpoint of the historical-pedagogical approach was carried out, which allows us to assess its contribution to improving the professional competence of teachers. The article reveals the main aspects of the interaction of TIUKV with local education authorities and teachers, which contributed to the development of innovative approaches in educational activities. Archival materials that have not been published before are involved in scientific use. Conclusions. TIUKV played a significant role in the development of education in the Ternopil region in 1967–1969.
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