


Tit Revakovich, cultural work, nationalists, national consciousness, educational movement.


Abstract. The purpose of the article is Tit Revakovich’s popularization of Ukrainian culture and identity, preservation of traditions, promotion of spiritual revival, raising the level of education and spreading knowledge about the native language and literature, national history and art. Research methodology T. Revakovich’s cultural work is based on complex methodology and involves the use of the following research methods: historical-biographical - research of life and activity in the social and political conditions of that time, the formation of his cultural activity; comparative – study and comparison of his cultural work with other famous figures of the Ukrainian national revival; content analysis – involved the study of works, their contribution to the literary and journalistic heritage; sociocultural analysis – highlighting the influence of T. Revakovich’s cultural work on the formation of national consciousness; documentary – the processing of archival materials, correspondence, memoirs, etc., in which his connections with the National Academy of Sciences, «Prosvita» and other Ukrainian institutions are highlighted. Scientific novelty. The article systematizes the cultural activities of T. Revakovich in the context of social and political events and the Ukrainian cultural and educational movement of the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The importance of his works in the progress of national culture is revealed. The contribution of T. Revakovich in preserving the identity and national self-awareness of Ukrainians is studied. Its influence on the development of cultural processes of the outlined period is evaluated. Conclusions. Its place and role in the development of Ukrainian culture in the second half of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries are highlighted. Due to his active cultural work, T. Revakovich made a significant contribution to cultural preservation and dissemination. He combined traditional spiritual values with cultural and educational activities, popularizing Ukrainian culture among the general public.


Тит Ревакович. URL: (дата звернення: 10.10.2024).

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