memoirs, Directory, Entente, negotiations.Abstract
The purpose of the reseach – to analyze the memoir inheritance of general О. Grekovа, which cover the process of negotiations between the Entente and the Ukrainian Directory in 1919, to compare the official version of these events with the materials of General memoirs. The research methodology based on a comprehensive application of common scientific methods, on the principles of historicism, systematic and scientific. In writing the article, first of all, general scientific methods were used, namely analysis, synthesis, comparison, concretization, and partially systematic analysis. The scientific novelty is that for the first time a version of the negotiation process between the Directory and the French command in Odessa was presented through the eyes of a UNR Minister of Defense, who was directly involved in these negotiations, which made it possible to understand better the political situation of that time and the peculiarities of relations within this governing state body. On the basis of the memoirs, the dynamics of the negotiation process in the context of the changing international situation were traced, the place and role in the negotiations of the UNR Minister of Defense – General O.Grekov were determined. Author outlined the main reasons for the failure of Ukrainian delegations and summarized the thematic memoir material in terms of its informative value for historical science. Conclusions. The military-theoretical heritage of Olexander Grekov covers process of negotiations of the Directory with the French very structured and grounded, General presents materials in chronological order, makes an attempt to periodize the revolutionary events and state-building process in Ukraine. At the same time, state institutions, leading political figures are presented through the lens of their own, often too subjective, vision, and figures such as S. Petliura and P. Skoropadsky receive branding marks, alt hough this is justified. Thus, the governmental positions of O. Grekov and his brilliant military and legal education determined the nature of his memoirs.
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