


Ukrainian decorative arts, Petrykivka decorative painting, Petrykivka, Petrykivka decorative painting phenomenon, the genesis of decorative painting, historical factors, stages of development.


The purpose of the reseach: to investigate the conditions of the origin, formation and development of the phenomenon of Petrykivka decorative painting, outlining the historical stages of genesis in certain time limits. The research methodology of the research is based on the integrated application of general scientific methods, such as analysis, synthesis, and historical ones: historicalgenetic, historical-comparative, historical-typological and historical-systematic. Identified in the goal the proposed approach to the problem solution gives an opportunity to study the origin, formation and development of Petrykivska decorative painting in chronological order; to establish the similarities and differences in types of decorative painting in Ukraine via their comparison, and to systematize the results of scientific research. The scientific novelty of the paper is the following: for the first time the main stages of development on the distinct time period and the history of the emergence of painting as an integral part of the Ukrainian decorative arts and crafts are defined. The fundamental nature of the national basis and originality, the uniqueness of the Petrykivka decorative painting, the leading role of art in laying the genetic memory of its origin in the triune of our antiquity, the present and the future, is determined by specific historical factors. The main social and economical reasons, which exert influence on the comprehensive rise of Petrykivka decorative painting phenomenon across the entire territory of Ukraine, were established and substantiated. On the basis of documentary sources, the genesis of Petrykivka decorative painting (within the specified limits) has been traced, from the identification of it as a part of decorative and applied arts. The outstanding role of academician Dmitro Ivanovych Yavornytskyi in laying the foundations of the folk painting that caused considerable interest and active research work of the phenomenon by art historians and in the scientific environment has been revealed. Conclusions. The emergence, existence and preservation of diverse documentary sources in the indicated period gave an opportunity to trace and analyze objectively the genesis and to identify the main influencing factors that have caused the comprehensive rise of the of the Petrykivka folk decorative painting phenomenon. Due to the methodology used, the initial stages of the world recognition are identified and the task of completing the periodization of the of the Petrykivka painting development are determined. Having the sustainability of progress it does not only preserve, thus follows historical traditions in opening new opportunities and forms for contemporaries.


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