



Halychyna, Austro-Hungarian, Austrian Empire, taxes, duties, historiography.


The purpose of the study is to investigate the state of development in the domestic and foreign historical science of the problem of the impact of fiscal policy on the socio-economic situation in Halychyna within the Austro-Hungarian. Methodology of the research is based on the principles of scientific, objectivity and historicism. The research used the following historical historiographical methods, such as historical-genetic, historical-comparative and system-structural. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time in Ukrainian historical science an attempt was made to discover and investigate the main trends, trends and patterns of the development of historiography of the problem of the impact of fiscal policy on the socio-economic situation of the Halychyna in the Austro-Hungarian. Conclusions. Conclusions Organizational and functional assessments of agriculture in Ukraine were and are the priority directions of scientific and historical research, and the historiography of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. has dozens of monographic and dissertations, hundreds of articles. Most of them are devoted to socio-economic relations in the Ukrainian countryside from ancient times to the present, agrarian transformations, social movements. The purpose of the researchers was to show the super-difficult economic condition of the peasantry in pre-revolutionary times and the gradual positive changes in their lives in the modern era. As to the economic situation of the peasantry, especially in the era of the existence of the serf system, such terms were used as oppression, the enslavement of Ukrainian peasants by landlords and authorities. Scientists only casually drew attention to the means that the authorities used to carry out oppression, enslavement, exploitation. One such tool was a tax policy, the mention of which in the historiography of the history of the Ukrainian peasantry was predominantly anecdotal.


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