Ukrainian Revolution, Kremenetschina, Poland, power, local government, statehood, education, culture.Abstract
The objective of the research of the work is to analyze and generalize the main trends in the social,political, cultural and educational development of Kremenets region in the 1917– 1920-ies. The methodology of the research is based on regionalistic approaches to studying the problem and is based on the use of retrospective and comparative historical methods. Important in the work was the method of collecting factual data (accumulation of facts) and the method of their layout (analysis). Also, special methods (comparisons, source analysis) were used to help characterize the Kremenets situation in the context of the history of Ukraine during the specified period. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time the events of the difficult time of change of power and instability in the Kremenetschyna of 1917–1920-th years are generalized and analyzed. The main aspects of the formation of the authorities and their activities in Kremenets city are highlighted. Conclusions. The author came to the conclusion that a wide range of studies on the events of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921 contained little coverage of the history of small towns. The situation in the region during the Ukrainian Democratic Revolution, military actions and instability was difficult. The analyzed social composition of the population shows the influence of the Ukrainians, Jews and Poles on the political situation. The activation of Ukrainians in defending their interests in the process of the Ukrainian Revolution is highlighted. The formation of local authorities and their role in establishing the social, economic, cultural and educational life of Kremenets region are revealed. As a result of the study, it was found that the opening of the Ukrainian gymnasium and the launch of the «Prosvita» activity during the period of revolutionary change, in the future, allowed to preserve these institutions that propagated national ideas during the period of Polish rule. It was emphasized that the influence of emigrants from the Dnieper, after the defeat of the Ukrainian Revolution, greatly revived national life in Kremenets region. It is also noted that in the struggle for Ukrainian statehood a certain number of local residents took a wait-and-see position.
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