gender policy in education, gender approach, gender education, gender education, gender socialization.Abstract
The article is intended to analyze the problems of introducing a gender policy in the education of modern Ukraine. The role of gender education in shaping the society of gender equality as a society based on equal rights and opportunities of women and men is defined. It was noted that the relationship between women and men is an important factor in social development. The recommendations of the Ministry of Education concerning the necessity and implementation of gender policy in educational institutions are shown. The analysis of scientific literature of both domestic and western researchers is made.It is pointed out the importance of integrating the gender component in the educational area. The author insists that education in modern Ukraine undergoes significant changes, which determine the objective necessity of finding conditions conducive to increasing its effectiveness, changing approaches to the process and content of education, improving the forms of organization of social and interpersonal relations. Therefore, the indicated importance of integrating the gender component in the educational sphere is beyond doubt . Some recommendations are proposed for the introduction of gender policy in the educational sector.
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