multiculturalism, diaspora, Ukrainian, identity, Canada.Abstract
Petro Savaryn was born on 17 September 1926, in the village of Zubrets, near Buchach, in the Ternopil Region of Western Ukraine. He has made a unique and important contributions to the development of the Ukrainian community in Canada for more than six decades. A lawyer by profession, Savaryn is renowned as a builder of institutions and a leading figure in Ukrainian political and educational organizations, foundations, projects and initiatives. His legacy is virtually without precedent, and worthy of scholarly assessment. It is timely to review his accomplishments and to consider them within the framework of the 125th anniversary of Ukrainian settlement in Canada and the coming 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation. This is especially the case since Peter Savaryn has managed to become a model of the modern Ukrainian Canadian, contributing tremendously to the development of his two motherlands – adoptive Canada and native Ukraine. Significantly, there has been a growing interest in Ukraine regarding Peter Savaryn’s career. Is it not difficult to become a committed patriot of two countries – Canada and Ukraine? Are there not tensions and contradictions that need to be surmounted to arrive at a successful synthesis? These and other questions will be addressed in my paper.
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