



verbal portrait, typology of verbal portraits, linguistic means of portraying, somatism, clothing, comparison, epithet, metaphor


The article deals with linguistic and stylistic features of verbal portraits in Vasyl Slapchuk's prose based on the novels “Wild Flowers”, “Autumn in the Cheek”, “Blind Rain”, “Between the Worlds and Shining of the Lights, and the narratives “Cage for the Sky” and “Woman from Snow”. We have found out that a reader gets the conception of characters’ appearance, the peculiarities of the characters' tempers, their sensual spheres, their speeches, motions, physical or psychological states by means of Vasyl Slapchuk’s verbal descriptions. Hence, writer’s verbal portraits are a means of figurative specification and individualization as well as a means of expression of the author's attitude to his portraying. It has been established that depending on the number of characters described in the visual portraits and gender characteristics, a single female portrait sort predominates in Vasil Slipchuk's prose. Linguistic means of description in physical portraits (somatism and clothing) and psychological ones (kinetic vocabulary) are distinguished. Lexemes denoting parts of the body (somatisms) are present in all types of verbal portraits and are represented by nouns referring to the items of the human body and its parts (structural – head, face, eyes, nose, lips, hands, feet, structurally separating – moustache, beard, bristle, bald spot, braids, breast, waist and structural characteristics – mug, muzzle, peepers), clothing and kinetic vocabulary. We have defined that specification and individualization of characters in verbal portraits are carried out by means of imagery, and comparison, epithet and metaphor are the most expressive ones.


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