foreign language teaching, competence approach, translation competence, professional communicationAbstract
Preparation for cross-cultural communication in a non-language higher education institution is understood as interrelated professionally oriented communicative, cognitive and cultural development of students by the means of both native and foreign language. The objective of foreign language teaching for students of a non-language higher education institution is the formation and development of foreign language professionally oriented communicative competence, which can be defined as a set of different competences. It was given the definition of translation competence. The components of the translation competence were singled out. The functioning of the legal language is special environment with its inner rules which were formed in the process of lawmaking and law enforcement. It is distinguished by linguistic and extralinguistic factors. The knowledge of the peculiarities of legal texts and separate terms, lexical, grammatical and stylistical aspects of legal translation takes on special significance in the translation competence formation. It was given the examples of the translation peculiarities of legal texts. The translation competence formation is based on the competences gained by students in the course of studying in the higher educational institution. All these competences are interrelated, interdependent, rest on professional knowledge and skills of future professionals.
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