
  • Svitlana Amelina


linguistic features, competence approach, programs, future translators


The substantial features of the linguistic component of training programs for translators in German universities are considered in the context of the application of the competence approach to specialists training. The substantive content of the linguistic component of undergraduate translators programs is presented. The core competencies related to linguistic training are shown, in particular: the use of language translator’s means of working languages, the ability to independently solving scientific or practical problems in view of the specifics of the professional knowledge of terminology and lexicographical materials and methods of work, knowledge of the new tools of professional activity. The attention to the competencies in the field of lexicography and terminology in terms of the use of knowledge in these disciplines in order to translate is paid. Focusing on interdisciplinary and intercultural communication of future translators and forming an idea of culture as text and culture as translation in the age of globalized communication are accented. It is shown that BA in Translation receives broad professional perspective, particularly to work in the fields of localization, cultural consulting, organization and management of multilingual projects in the field of science and business, both in national and international institutions. Examples of determining the types of exercises that are relevant for the training of translators, taking into account their linguistic features, are given.


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