



practical training, electronic educational environment, electronic reporting, LMS MOODLE


In the era of digitalization of all social life spheres, especially educational environment, wide using of distance and blended learning technologies the process of students’ practical training at higher education institutions demands creating the system of electronic support. The article deals with the demonstration of changing practice paper reporting documents into their electronic analogues as well as it deals with the analysis of its consequences. Thus, a diary of psychological and pedagogical observations should be substituted with a blog. Drafts of lesson plans or upbringing events can be submitted in the form of PDF files, PPT presentations, online lesson records etc. In the research process, theoretical methods were used (analysis, comparison, generalization and systematization of information obtained during the study of scientific literature), as well as practical methods (a survey of students and teachers was conducted regarding the convenience, effectiveness and feasibility of practice electronic reporting). The research aims at proving the expediency of switching to practice electronic reporting and implementation of electronic support reasonability of students of higher education institutions in the period of their practical training. The study of the effectiveness and expediency of electronic support for the practical training of education acquires took place during four academic years. Survey results, including students and academic staff, have shown that moving to practice electronic reporting provides conditions for information to be submitted in different forms, creates opportunities for commenting blog notes, interchanging experience among students, setting dynamic students’ feedback. Using MOODLE system for educational process gives an opportunity to realize student’s activity due to individual educational approach as well as to provide an opportunity for group and collective interaction. A system of electronic courses was created in accordance with the specialties and types of practice of students according to the curricula. Ensuring the high-quality use of modern information technologies depends on the participants’ access to appropriate technical means and the Internet, as well as the level of their digital literacy.


Положення про практичну підготовку здобувачів вищої освіти в Криворізькому державному педагогічному університеті. URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zUyNGRSHtEIqrcbhaAXlP3e-PpOyxG1P/view.

Система управління електронними навчальними курсами Криворізького державного педагогічного університету. URL: https://moodle.kdpu.edu.ua.

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