


gender approach, gender education, students, educational institutions of Germany


The article examines the implementation of the gender approach of youth in the educational practice of Germany, disclosed the contents, forms and methods and the main tasks in work with children, the background of the deployment of gender construction in Germany. The methodological approaches in the field of gender are identified in the article; there is characterized the specificity of gender training and education for young students of Germany at the present stage;identified the substantive and procedural components and directions in educational institutions of various types; clarified the specifics of a comprehensive approach to addressing gender issues in education; the main factors and ways of implementation of the gender approach in the educational practices of German schools are showed. The peculiarity of introduction of gender approach at schools in Germany is combining of organization of common, separate and partly separate studies. The main strategic approach of educational process at schools in Germany is construction of partnership between boys and girls, acquiring of values by children of both genders, variation in mastering of sexual role repertoire and mutual changes of gender roles, individual approach. The main ways of introduction of gender upbringing into educational establishments in Germany are: taking into account the gender aspects in professional activity of boys and girls; creation of experimental schools, cooperation of parents and school in gender upbringing; obtaining of gender competency by the pedagogical staff.


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