


interconnected teaching, reading, speaking, English language competence, speech activity


The article analyses the investigations on the problem of integrated formation of students English competence in reading and speaking. The author observes the chronology of development of the methodological trends in integrated teaching foreign languages with emphasis on reading and speaking. The principles which are based on the idea of the integrated teaching of the four skills have been described. On the basis of modern scientific literature analysis the fundamental ideas of the methodology of integrated formation of students English competence in reading and speaking have been grounded: integrated formation of students English competence in reading and speaking presuppose parallel formation of reading and speaking skills; reading and speaking are both a goal and a means of teaching; text activities should prepare students for speaking activities; texts should be used to create linguistic and information basis of the utterance; features of professional discourse must be considered; textual material should be selected carefully; the mechanism of transfer of reading and speaking knowledge and skills should be used; written record of certain information and own ideas must be encouraged; simultaneous forming of linguosociocultural knowledge as well as reading and speaking skills should be practised.


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