
  • Nataliya Uisimbaeva


extracurricular activities, directions and forms of extracurricular work, selfperfection, personal self-perfection


The article introduces extracurricular activities as an integral component of the educational process of higher pedagogical educational institutions, which ensures its continuity and combines both education (self-education) and upbringing (self- upbringing) activity of future teachers in their spare time. The extracurricular activities as a subsystem of the educational process are regarded as a holistic education and thus have all the features of the system: purpose, objectives, functions, structure, contents, forms, methods and means. There have been defined the features of extracurricular activities concerning their influence on the personal development of future teachers. It has been stated that the use of various forms of extracurricular activities and areas provides an opportunity to expand the influence on the formation of personal and professional qualities of the future teachers, to stimulate the activity of students and to provide conditions of development of their abilities and satisfy needs of their own development.


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