
  • Oksana Voitovska


professional development, teachers of physical training, adult education, postgraduate education


The analyze of a scientific and educational literature was done in the article as to problems of professional development of physical training teachers of postgraduate education.It is given proper definition of concept «professional development of physical training teachers».It is indicated that in current conditions, the quality and level of preparation of physical training teachers does not fully satisfy the needs of the individual, society and state.A new Ukrainian society with its problems, require physical training teachers of innovative type, that combines spiritual and physical wealth, ability for creative collaboration that are intended to form, to develop and to bring up a new generation of Ukrainians.It is determined that the creation in the system of post-graduate education conditions for the actualization of teachers of physical training, the needs of forming motivation, values of orientations in their continuous professional development and to ensure organizational and methodological support and their movement to a high level of professional competence and professional self-realization of physical training teachers are important and actual tasks of post-graduate education.


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