
  • Svitlana Tymoshuk
  • Zinoviy Yaremko
  • Solomiya Pysarevska


internal motivation, external motivation, motives of success, motives of avoiding failures


The article presents a study of students’ educational motivation formation. Using K. Zamphire’ method in modification of A. Rean, three motivational components were established: internal motivation, external positive motivation and external negative motivation, which form together a motivation complex. Calculated average motivational complex shows that external positive motivation prevails in students activity. The best motivational complex, where internal motivation was dominant, was only observed in 17 % of students. During evaluation of the ratio of success motives to avoiding failures motives, respondents were divided into three groups: the first group included respondents with dominant success motives (67 %), the second group contained respondents, which had dominant motives of avoiding failures (25 %) and the third group, which consisted of 8 % respondents, had weakly expressed motivational pole.


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