


a textbook for primary school, functions of a textbook, a study guide for primary school students, requirements for a study guide, illustrations of a study guide


The article deals with the essence and requirements for developing and creating a new type of educational publication – a study guide for students of grades 1-2 of general secondary education institutions, designed to replace current textbooks on the Ukrainian language and Reading, and Mathematics. This study guide will implement the functions of a textbook and a workbook. Based on the analysis of the purpose of the specified publication as a textbook and workbook, there have been formulated the generalized requirements for this type of educational literature. Firstly, a study guide is to comply with the educational program of the specified educational subject or integrated course. Secondly, the study guide has to be developed taking into account the principles of national orientation, child-centeredness, forming the subject and key competencies, motivational support, and developmental orientation. Thirdly, it should be developed on basis of Ukrainian studies and include a combination of universal and national values. Fourthly, it should diversify the activities of schoolchildren on educational material, in particular, provide for work in pairs and groups. There have been outlined the requirements for illustrating such books. They include the general ones, which relate to the illustration of educational publications in general (requirements for the connection of illustrative material with the text and other structural components of a study guide. Here also belong the special ones (adaptation of the visual series of a study guide to the age characteristics of primary school students, a set of hygienic requirements for the illustrative material of study guides for primary school, a number of artistic and aesthetic requirements, as well as additional recommendations for the use of illustrative material. The article highlights the peculiarities of illustrating textbooks / study guides for certain educational subjects (primers, language and mathematics textbooks).


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