postgraduate education, kindergarten educators, continuing education, professional development, competence, Republic of PolandAbstract
The article examines the problem of postgraduate education of kindergarten educators in the system of continuous education of the Republic of Poland. The article emphasizes the significance of lifelong learning and continuous education in the modern world, particularly in acquiring precise and specialized knowledge and skills necessary for professional, scientific, and technical activities. Based on scientific evidence, the article asserts that the system of advanced training for kindergarten educators through postgraduate education serves as a vital resource for continuous education and contributes to the country’s effective political, socio-economic, and cultural development. In the context of studying the problem of postgraduate pedagogical education of kindergarten educators in the system of continuous education of the Republic of Poland, the Polish model of professional training of future kindergarten educators has been considered. The legal requirements set out in a number of provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Poland regarding the professional qualifications of kindergarten educators have been studied. The continuous education of kindergarten educators in the Republic of Poland aims to develop professional competences that encompass knowledge of traditional and innovative forms, methods, and technologies used in preschool education institutions, along with the ability to apply them in their professional practice. Therefore, during the research, the competences and professional requirements of a modern kindergarten educator in the Republic of Poland, which were determined by Polish researchers, have been highlighted. The study concludes that modern kindergarten educators in the Republic of Poland should continuously strive for self-improvement. Continuous education for kindergarten educators is facilitated through the postgraduate education system, as well as through non-formal and informal education opportunities such as participating in projects, internships, courses, trainings, seminars or webinars, exchanging pedagogical experiences, and attending open classes, both in face-to-face and distance formats.
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